加拿大圣玛丽大学荣誉校长Colin Dodds博士主题讲座

10月30日上午,加拿大圣玛丽大学(Saint’s Mary University, Canada)荣誉校长Colin Dodds博士(圣玛丽大学索比商学院金融学教授)在学校实验中心二楼学术报告厅为我校研究生院学生进行了题为“全球金融-过去、现在与未来”的主题讲座,现场活动激发了同学们对全球金融学的兴趣并在结束时踊跃提问,讲座在同学们的热烈掌声中圆满结束。
Colin Dodds Biography柯林道兹传记
J Colin Dodds was educated in the UK and is a professor of finance in the Sobey School of Business (SSB) at Saint Mary’s University where he served as
President and Vice Chancellor for 15 years.
Currently he teaches graduate courses in international finance in the SSB and is the Director of the Master of Finance programme.
A former Director of the Bank of Canada and the Asia Pacific Foundation boards, he is the Treasurer of World University Services Canada (WUSC) and is Co-advisor to the Premier of Nova Scotia on immigration.
He was a member of a federal government panel in 2011-12 to provide advice on Canada’s international education strategy and continues to serve on many other national, local community and corporate boards.
His linkages to China go back to the mid-1980’s and in 2015 he was appointed by China’s Ministry of Education to serve as a member of the external review
panels of Double First Class universities which have included Fudan, BNU, Xiamen, China South East, Lanzhou and the University of Science and Technology China.
He has received many awards and honours for his research and community service.